The First Marriage

To catch the full significance of that first marriage, look at it again more carefully. Watch God at work. See how He brought it about.

Adam is asleep. God has removed one of his ribs. Out of this, with infinite skill and wisdom, He makes a woman. Even as He “formed” man of the dust of the ground, giving him a body, brain, a nervous system, a breathing apparatus and a blood-circulatory system, together with the ability to see, hear, taste, feel, think, remember, and judge— which are still the marvel of the medical profession—He now with equal ingenuity fashions the one who is to be the mother of the whole human race.

How perfectly He molds her features! How gracefully He arranges her long, flowing hair! With loving thought, He places within her mind and heart all the tenderness, gentleness, sweetness, patience, and long-suffering love that He wants every future mother to possess! It does not take Him long. Suddenly there stands before Him the fairest creature of all creation, her eyes sparkling with the joy of life, a tender smile giving her face a beauty beyond compare.

Slowly and gracefully she takes her first few steps as God brings her “unto the man.” She looks down at the sleeping form before her. Who can this be? she wonders. Adam opens his eyes and looks up. Before him stands a being so beautiful, so choice, so noble, so altogether lovely that he can scarcely believe she is real.

It is love at first sight. Instantly both realize that they belong to each other. Clasping hands, they walk away together under the smiling benediction of their Creator.

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Our Patient Merciful God
The Bible and the Gospel speak of God's great mercy for us ...

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